All in prices, unless indicated otherwise are in Indian Rupees. All prices and availability of products are subject to change without prior notice at the sole discretion of Schon Makellos.
Schon Makellos reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order placed for a product that is listed at an incorrect price. This shall be regardless of whether the order has been confirmed and/or payment received. In the event the payment has been received by Schon Makellos, the same shall be refunded to the User.
The User agrees to pay Schon Makellos in full, the amount of the order placed, including charges for shipping and handling and tax, if applicable. Otherwise, the items ordered remain the property of Schon Makellos. The User is responsible for any legal expense toward collecting debts.
The User agrees that she/he will pay the shipping and handling charges for any item(s) returned to Schon Makellos to claim warranty or in case of cancellation of order. However, in case of a mistake in shipment, for example delivery of wrong merchandise, the cost of shipping the return will be borne by Schon Makellos.
Payment by Credit Card
In a credit card transaction, User must use her/his own credit card. Schon Makellos will not be liable for any credit card fraud. The liability to use a credit card fraudulently will be on the User and the onus to ‘prove otherwise’ shall be exclusively on the User. Schon Makellos does not share User data / card information internally or externally for any monetary consideration.
Payment by Cheque
Cheque payment facility is available only in India. Payment realization may take some time depending on when Schon Makellos physically receives the cheque and the time taken for clearance by the bank. Charges associated with outstation cheques will be borne by the User. User must ensure sufficient balance in her/his account to avoid the cheque being returned unpaid. Cheque Return Charges @ Rs. 500/- and interest @ 24% per annum from the date of return to the date of realization will be payable on each cheque returned unpaid.